Barks & Rec

Community Pet Owner App

Barks & Rec is an application created to build community, educate, and encourage outdoor play between pets and pet owners in their local area. Made in collaboration with Grace Miller and Adaire Trachta-Magruder.

Project Prompt and Goals

As a team, we were challenged with creating an application that could serve and apply to these three topics:


Pet Owners

Parks and Rec.


After analyzing our three prompts to focus us in on what kind of app we would make, we carefully thought of how we could combine parks and recreation and pet owners with equitability. While brainstorming, we decided to focus our survey on types of recreation facilities enjoyed by the public especially those with a pet and also evaluating the average persons knowledge on the topic of service and assistance animals.

Survey and Pain Points

In our survey about service animals, we found that majority of those responding who did not have a service animal did not know the proper way to act around a service animal or what to do if they were to see a handler in an emergency. Pain points from our surveyed pool of people with service animals, mostly seemed to stem from the lack of education on service and assistance animals by the public. Now with this understanding of our service animal handler community, we wanted to make sure education on assistance animals was a feature that our app could provide.

The next big question was…

  • “How do we create interest around an application that educates people on assistance animals?”

In order to create interest around an app that has an education section on service animals we decided to look at our survey data. Through our survey, we found that 81.8% and 72.7% of our surveyed group enjoyed doing recreational activities at outdoor parks and hiking trails. With this information, we thought of making an app for pet owners that helps them to build community and get outside, while also having a section of educational resources on assistance animals.

Reviewing Research for a Solution.


Primary User: Dog owners looking to socialize and get outside.

Secondary Users: Pet owners in general, those interested in getting a pet, those looking for educational resources for their animals.

Identifying A Target User

User Priorities

  • Go out with pets with confidence

  • Reliable information about parks

  • Easy to use app interface

  • Account personalization

  • Connecting with other pet owners

  • Accessible

Business Priorities

  • Eliminate broad google searches for locations

  • Plenty of engagement

  • Recommendations

  • Positive reviews

  • Initiate app downloads

Brand Priorities

  • Equity

  • Education

  • Building community

  • Joy

  • Accessible

Beginning The Visual Design Process.

Mood Boards: App Interface and App Advertisement

Interface mood board inspired by playful, bubbly, and bright colored design and simple dopey dog illustrations for app.

Advertisement for app focusing on the aesthetic of the woods and outdoors as well as an emphasis on community, friendship, and play.

Site Mapping and Wire Framing

Creating Low-fi Designs

Home page.

Search page.

Map page.

Profile page.

Pet profile page.

Final Product.


Fire In The Hole


Designing For Something Dark